Free Breakthrough Session

Healing Arts by Warrior of Love, LLC

Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love.


Architect of Inner Transformation.

🌟 Ready to Release Limiting Beliefs? 🌟

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FREE Guided Meditation by Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, to help you break free from limiting beliefs.
✨ Monthly channeled messages from Maia, Monica’s Higher Self.
✨ Access to Soul Talk Podcast interviews with inspiring spiritual leaders.
✨ Special discounts on classes, courses, and healing sessions.

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Your Healing and Empowerment are Personal to Me!


Creator of Path to the Heart, a transformational System, a Bestseller on Amazon with Transformation in Metamorphosis, and many co-authors with many books, even with Joe Vitale.


I help guide coaches, healers, and Star Seeds from confusion to confidence so that they can design the life of their dreams. By helping them to create freedom and empowering them to find a deeper sense of self-love they can then be of better service to their Life Path.


I am certified as a:

Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Soul Care Coach, Reiki Master, Limiting Believe Specialist, Galactic Akashic Records Reader, Energy Healer, and Minister. 

She is a Master Channeler, Podcaster, Writer, Public Speaker, and established artist.

Monica has spoken at Harvard and UCLA and participated in many in-person and online seminars. 


Book a Breakthrough Session with Me!

Programs and Workshops

 Path to the Heart. 
Transformative system. 

 Path to the Heart is a transformational system designed to heal your past, enhance relationships, uncover your life mission, and awaken your innate gifts. By learning a powerful healing modality, you'll not only heal yourself but also others. Upon completion, you'll be certified as a Master Channeler and Healer from Path to the Heart.

Take a course

Services Offered

  • One-on-One Coaching
  • Group Coaching
  • Signature Healing by Warrior of Love
  • Intuitive Akashic Readings
  • Hypnosis Regression
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Ceremonies

Transform your life—it's a choice only you can make.


Schedule a 1:1 call
Soul Talk Podcast


Soul Talk Podcast was created by Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. Born from a desire for deep, meaningful conversations, the podcast explores various facets of spirituality and personal growth. I interview healers, coaches, therapists, psychics, artists, and more from around the world. It's called Soul Talk because each episode is a heartfelt conversation, connecting soul to soul.


Listen to Soul Talk

You are the best teacher!!! Thank you so much for transforming my life and guide me into becoming a better human being. I love your classes and cant wait to learn more from you.

Pilar Kamel

Julia Francis

Hello beautiful humans! I was fortunate to take a 3 day course with Monica Ramirez on channeling! It was very insightful, put together nicely and I truly enjoyed the experience! I would recommend her courses to anyone who is seeking further development or just curious about channeling. Thanks so much Monica! Blessed be 

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

So kind and clear. Picked up on so much that I had put out in the universe. I appreciate how in tune she was and how she kept taking moments to really be in tune with my energy. She is so spot on. It all resonated with me and I could feel the truth in her words. Your awesome Monica! Thank you so much!

Danette Brown-Dunn

Get started with with my programs

Path to the Heart Membership

If you're feeling scared, depressed, and maybe you're feeling that something is lacking like you're not enough. This makes you feel stuck, like you're in limbo.

Recognizing that you are stuck, acknowledge this, and do not have judgment about it.

If you feel alone and no one around you understands the changes you are going through—in fact, you kind of stay out of their way so you do not feel judged by them—it is becoming harder to connect at that level with your old life (friends and family).

Membership of 12 months. Begins twice a year.

Path to the Heart is a transformational System that will help you heal your past, Improve your relationships, discover your life mission, Live in a state of Love, Discover and bring online your innate gifts, learning a new modality so you can heal others in an effective way. You will obtain a certification at the end as a Master Channeler and healer from Path to the Heart. 

I want to take you from being powerless, scared of change, and stuck, and we want to help you be powerful, free, and knowing a New Modality that will help you heal yourself and your clients.

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Mastering Channeling Program

The Mastering Channeling Program is designed to guide you in becoming a Master channeler, allowing you to communicate with non-physical entities, spirits, or higher consciousness. Through this practice, you'll learn to receive guidance, wisdom, and insights in various forms—spoken messages, written texts, artistic expressions, or physical gestures—enhancing your personal and spiritual growth. This program will empower you to connect deeply with higher sources and unlock your full potential.

This program is for 12 Weeks.

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Coaching one on one Program of 3 months.

The 3-Month One-on-One Coaching Program is a personalized journey designed to support your growth, healing, and transformation. Over the course of three months, you'll work closely with me to identify and overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles, gain clarity on your life path, and achieve your goals. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, providing the tools, guidance, and strategies necessary for lasting change. This program is ideal for those seeking deep personal insight, enhanced self-awareness, and a stronger connection to their true purpose.

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Soul Talk Podcast

Soul Talk Podcast with Monica Ramirez, The Warrior of Love ✨💖🎙️ Monica Ramirez, The Warrior of Love and Architect of Inner Transformation, is a healer, coach, and energy worker who helps others connect with higher consciousness and heal from within. Her mission is to empower healers and coaches to believe in themselves more deeply, act, and create profound transformations in their clients' lives. Soul Talk Podcast brings soul-to-soul conversations 💬 with life coaches, healers, channelers, and people on divine missions. 🌍 Dive into spirituality, healing, and consciousness for transformational wisdom. ✨ Join us for healing and soulful conversations. 💫



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