What is Channeling

Channeling is a practice where an individual, known as a channeler, allows themselves to become a conduit for communication from non-physical entities, spirits, or higher consciousness. This communication can occur in various forms, including spoken messages, written texts, artistic expressions, or physical gestures. The purpose of channeling is to receive guidance, wisdom, and insights from these higher sources to aid personal and spiritual growth.


Benefits of Channeling

  • Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment,   
  • Emotional Healing,
  • Enhanced Intuition, 
  • Guidance and Clarity,  
  • Connection with Higher Consciences, 
  • Creativity and Inspiration, 
  • Personal Empowerment, 
  • Improved Relationships,
  • Healing on many levels.




  • 12 Weeksworkshop Live Zoom meeting for 90 min.By Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. 
  • 1 hr class a week
  • Journeys and practices
  • 1 Bonus class
  • Practices
  • Journeys and Activations
  • Recordings
  • Material to Study


You’re just a few steps away from a happier and more fulfilled life.       Transform your Life Starting Today!!
From Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love:

To me, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.


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I have had her Akashic records done. I was amazed at how much she knew without even saying anything about my life. I highly recommend her to all of my family and friends. I have also taken her Master Channeling class with her. She has a lot of knowledge and is so helpful.

-Brenda Z Lozano


I have received a few services from Monica; I am also in the current Master Channeling Program. From my experiences with her the past few months, I have gained an abundance of knowledge and am incredibly grateful 🙏 If you’re looking for transformation within, she is your guide!

-Christine Benavides


Warrior of Love, Monica, is not only an amazing friend to me but has been a great mentor. When I say that she teaches you to truly just love yourself is an understatement.
She has been at my side for many years even before she found her purpose as the Warrior of Love. Therefore I know for a fact that her understanding of the human condition is 100% experience driven.
Monica has worked with me to get past several early life traumas that affected many aspects my life as an  adult. I. learned to let go of shame that had manifested into anger. She's helped me to maintain a constant state of self-awareness regardless of what life hands me situationally.
I really have learned to see situations as happening for me and not to me. There are no losses only lessons in life.

-Ruby Ann Avila

Pay in full


Top features

  • 12 Weeks workshop Live Zoom meeting for 90 mi. By Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. 
  • 1 hr. class a week
  • Journeys and practices
  • 1 Bonus class
  • Practices
  • Journeys and Activations
  • Recordings
  • Material to Study

3 Monthly Payments


Top features

  • 12 Weeksworkshop Live Zoom meeting for 90 min.By Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. 
  • 1 hr class a week
  • Journeys and practices
  • 1 Bonus class
  • Practices
  • Journeys and Activations
  • Recordings
  • Material to Study

12 Weeks payment


Top features

  • 12 Weeksworkshop Live Zoom meeting for 90 min.By Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. 
  • 1 hr class a week
  • Journeys and practices
  • 1 Bonus class
  • Practices
  • Journeys and Activations
  • Recordings
  • Material to Study
Frequently Asked Questions

Modules Overview


Module 1: Understanding Energy and Densities  Explore the fundamentals of energy and its various densities to grasp the different dimensions of existence.

Module 2: Believing in Yourself & Recognizing Gaslighting   Learn to cultivate self-belief and identify gaslighting tactics to protect your mental and emotional well-being.

Module 3: Elevating Your Vibration   Discover techniques to raise your vibrational frequency, enhancing your spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Module 4: Releasing Fear   Understand the root causes of fear and practice effective methods to release it, fostering a more empowered and fearless life.

Module 5: Protection and Activation of the Merkabah   Learn about the Merkabah, its significance, and techniques for its protection and activation to enhance your spiritual journey.

Module 6: Distinguishing Between the Higher Self and Ego   Learn to differentiate and align with your higher self and gain clarity on the roles of the higher self and ego.

Module 7: Exploring Different Types of Channeling   Delve into various channeling methods, understanding their unique benefits and applications.

Module 8: Mastering Automatic Writing    Develop skills in automatic writing to access higher wisdom and insights from your subconscious mind.

Module 9: Telepathic Communication   Enhance your ability to communicate telepathically, strengthening your connection with others and higher beings.

Module 10: Transchanneling Techniques   Learn trans-channeling practices to channel higher energies and messages from spiritual entities.

Module 11: Activating and practicing Light Language   Explore the concept and application of Light Language, a form of spiritual communication and healing.

Module 12: Art Channeling   Learn to communicate the channeled messages through art. Bring a pen or paints optional. 



Using Channeling with Yourself and Your Clients:  Integrate channeling practices into your personal life and professional work to provide deeper insights and healing.

Don’t wait! Take control of your life today.



Do you still have more questions?  

Book a FREE breakthrough session with Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love.


Book Here Your Appointment.